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Myth Busting: The Dark Web

While surfing the internet most of us may have come across some videos titled- 'Top10 horror clips from the dark web' 'I couldn't sleep after I saw this' or 'Caution!! Don't watch this if you have a weak heart'  And you start thinking, " woo...Dark web! That must be a "wicked" thing!"  But that's not the case at all! This is one of the myths that people don't usually talk about. That's why today we are gonna be myth-busting the " Dark Web " There are different layers on the internet. Such as  Surface web ,  Deep Web,  and  Dark Web  and the internet is highly comparable with an Iceberg as their greater portion stays hidden under the ocean. So as the internet! The upper and the fibril part of the iceberg is referred to as the  Surface Web. What is Surface Web? The part of the internet where all the pieces of information are accessible to anyone from anywhere in the world is called the surface web. You are not goin

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