Dyslexia : An Unusual Gift

Do you experienced of laborious pace everytime while reading, writing or  spelling? Do you see dozens of different views  when looking at an alphabetic letter like words are moving, they are just jumbled? Or have you difficulties manipulating language?

That's exactly what dyslexic people are experienced of! They read and write slowly than others, confused about the order of letters, differences between similar letters like "b" and "d", "M" and "W", differences between similar sounds or segmenting words like "hat" and "at", "felt" and "left" etc. They have trouble of connecting the letters they see to the sounds those letters make, remembering contents, difficulty with left and right is common.

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Not surprisingly everyone struggle to recognise the foreign language speakers , but the researchers found that dyslexic individuals also struggle to recognise speakers of their native language. But symptoms differs from person to person, some may have mild dyslexia or some may have profound case of it.

Not having of these symptoms may be you are being happy or having of these symptoms you are being frustrated thinking " I am dyslexic !" but some issues can change your perception. If you are dyslexic then you can surely think you are gifted. That's  because dyslexics often see things in a different way than the average person see them.

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All the dyslexics need to know that their minds work in exactly the same way as the mind of greatest geniuses. It is also important to know having problem with reading, writing, spelling or math doesn’t mean they are dumb or stupid. The same mental function that produce a genius can also produce those problems.

Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, Leonardo Da Vinci, Greg Louganis, Picasso, Steven Spielberg, CherMuhammad Ali and many personalities are  geniuses inspite of having dyslexia. Actually here we do a mistake. Their genius didn’t occur inspite of their dyslexia, but because of it! The gift of mastery develops in many ways and in many areas. For Einstein it was physics, for Walt Disney it was art, for Greg Louganis it was athletic prowess.

(Photo credit.Google) 
To change the perspective of dyslexia from disability to gift , lets make a clear idea about what causes it. The brain is divided into two hemisphere, left and right. The left one takes care of processing language. It's the more academic and logical side of the brain. And right hemisphere is the more artistic and creative side of the brain. FMRI studies have found that the brains of those with dyslexia rely more on the right hemisphere and frontal lobe than the brains of those without it. This means when they read a word, it takes a longer trip through their brain and can get delayed in the frontal lobe. Because of this neurobiological  glitch, they read with more difficulty.

Booth and Burman(2001) found that people with dyslexia have less grey matter in the left part of the brain than non dyslexic individuals. These  researchers  say that this could cause problem with sound structure  of language. Many people with dyslexia also have less white matter in the same area than average readers which disrupts  communication  of  information.

(Photo credit. Google) 
For these functional differences  despite of having normal or even high intelligence a dyslexic person shows certain disabilities. But those with dyslexia can physically change their brain and improve their reading with an intensive, multi-sensory intervention that breaks the language down and teaches the reader to decode based on syllable types and spelling rules. However, we should not tease or bully a dyslexic person because we never know we might be looking at tomorrow's Einstein or Da Vinci or even better their unique self that has the power to change the world.

Most importantly for everyone, even for who are non dyslexic, don't think about how fast others are progressing, don't compare yourself to others who may win awards or get better grades. Just admire your own achievements.
Understand your mind how it works, accept it and nourish it!

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