Ballistic Missile

There are two types of guided warhead missile,

1. Cruise ( powered continuously by air breathing jet engines follows aerodynamic sequence)
2. Ballistic ( rocket propelled warhead system,can be launched from ground)
Ballistic Missile.
Today we will discuss about the Ballistic missile,, very few country posses this types of guided warhead system,,it is very dangerous to mankind because it can show them the path of their extinction..
Ballistic missile follows a ballistic trajectory and delivers one or more than one warhead on a target.. The target is predetermined. There are two types of ballistic missile..
• Shorter range
• Inter continental
Shorter range missile stays within Earth's atmosphere.
Short range.

But ICBM (inter continental ballistic missile) go high up in the sky,follows sub orbital flight trajectory and stays most of the time out of atmosphere.
Long rang.  
 In short,they go straight in to the space.. Ballistic missile follows parabolatic sequence to attack.
It was first introduced by the  Russian. They developed this is technology to conquer the space. But later on it becomes a way to attack the opposition. Now we will discuss about the common way of ballistic missiles work way
1. The missile launches out of its silo by firing it's 1st stage boost motor.
2. About 60 seconds after launch,the first stage drops off and the 2nd stage motor ignites. The missile shroud will eject.
3. About 120 seconds after launch ,the 3rd stage motor ignites and separates from 2nd stage.
4. About 180 seconds after launch,3rd stage thrust terminates and the Post-Boost vehicle separates from rocket.
5. The Post-Boost vehicle maneuvers itself and prepares for re-entry vehicle (RV) deployment.
6. The RVs ,as well as decoys and chaff,are deployed.
7. The RVs and chaff re-enter the atmosphere at high speed
8. After that it attacks the target.

*North Korea posses the best ballistic technology.
It's a matter of irony that they don't use that technology to discover space,..
Thank you and
Because Knowledge Worth Spreading.
That's all for now.
See you next time!

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