Molds: The Food Spoiler

Previously we discussed about how to do research... But now we are going to talk about molds!!! Before that we would like to tell that wastage of food should be forbidden,,u may have a lot amount of food but other doesn't,,so please think about it.

Ok here we are ,,, now we will discuss about the most disgusting thing in the world .. The molds. Yeah I know your reaction,,as we know molds are heavily poisonous, disgusting,bad looking and moreover it stinks🤢🤢!! But what we don't know is that thing is essential in our day to day life. Food chains all over the world depends on it.
Molds is a mixture of fungi and algae that attacks the rotten food . It also spreads on the dark and humid places

🛑 So the question is what is the neccesity of discussing it??

We know that foods affected by molds are forbidden to eat . But solid food substance like carrots, cauliflower, pumpkins which is affected by molds can be eaten. Before that we have to just cut that affected area. Then we have to boil it,after that it is safe as bullet proof vest, joking.
However, liquid substance like tomatoes,meyonese, yogurt,orange,gelly affected by  molds can be deadly. So we shall better throw that away..

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